Pokhara University follows the semester system. Pokhara University adopts the practice of continuous evaluation of the student performance and allows them to the regulation of credit requirements, to progress at a pace suited to his/her individual ability and convenience.

The instructor is responsible for internal evaluation of the student and the office of the Controller of Examinations conducts the semester-end examination. Each course has a certain credit hour assigned to it depends on the number of lectures, tutorials, and practical work hours in a week.
Normally one credit is equivalent to one hour lecture per week per semester. The minimum number of class hours for a course is three credit hours in a semester which is approximately 48 hours. If a course is taught by more than one instructor, one of the instructors will coordinate that course.
Entry Requirement for New Student:
entry requirement for a new student in BCA will be a minimum of 45% (Second
Division) with 100 marks either math (Basic/Business) or Computer Science
(Computer Application) in Higher Secondary Level (10+2) or Proficiency
Certificate Level (PCL), or equivalent as recognized by Pokhara University,
Besides the basic academic requirement, an entrance examination will be passed
by the applicants.
Admission Procedure:
A notice inviting application for admission is publicly announced. The appliance forms and information brochures are provided, on request, after the payment of the prescribed fee.
The concerned college scrutinizes the applications. The eligible candidates are informed to require the entrance test. The date and time for the entrance test are informed to the potential students by the faculty. The college can also interview the candidates for final selection for admission.
The candidates, who are given provisional admission under special conditions, are required to submit all necessary documents within a month of the start of standard classes. Otherwise, admission is annulled.
Student Evaluation:
The Students' academic performance during a semester is evaluated internally by the faculty and externally (the final examination) by the university. Internal evaluation is done by the teaching faculty and it will be of fifty weight. The remaining 50% is the ultimate examination, conducted by University.
To pass a selected course, a student must obtain a minimum of D grade in sectional work (average of internal assessments) and the final examination, separately.
Attendance Requirement:
The students must attend every lecture, tutorial, seminar, and practical classes. However, to accommodate for sickness and other contingencies, the attendance requirement shall be a minimum of 80% of the classes in any particular subject, otherwise, s/he shall not be allowed to take the final examination in that subject.
If a
student is continuously absent within the class for quite four weeks without
notifying the authorities, his/her name is removed from the faculty roll.
Course Registration:
The academic record of a student shall be maintained in terms of the courses that s/he registers in any semester, and the grades s/he obtains in those courses. Registration for courses is done at the starting of every semester.
Since registration is a vital procedural part of the credit system, it's absolutely essential that each student presents themselves at the school.
in a particular semester or year, only those courses would be offered for
registration which is mentioned within the syllabus, however, their sequence is
also interchanged if necessary.
Repeating a Course:
A course maybe took only once for a grade, except when a student receives an 'F' grade. Since passing all courses individually is a necessary requirement to get a degree, the scholar must retake the failing course when offered by the college and must successfully complete the same.
student may additionally be allowed to retake a course to attain a minimum CGPA
of 2.0. The grade earned on the retake is substituted for the grade earned the
first time the course was taken. Students can retake a course only two times
for credit.
Transfer of Credit Hours:
A maximum of up to 25% of the entire credit hours in fact completed in the same program of a recognized institution maybe transferred/waived for credit on the recommendation of the pinnacle of the college.
For transfer of credit, a student must have received a grade of B or better within the respective course. Courses are taken before five years from the time of the transfer might not be accepted for transfer of credit.
However, students transferring from one program to a different program of Pokhara University may receive a credit transfer of all the compatible courses completed with a minimum of grade C.
concerned Subject Committee/dean office of the University will make an
evaluation of the appliance for the transfer of credit. The awarding of
transferred credit will be based on the applicant's score within the
University, which s/he has attended previously.
Final Examination:
conducts the final examination at the end of every semester. The procedure of
final examination conduction is as per the examination rules of the University.
Unsatisfactory Results:
Students may apply for re-totaling or rechecking of their grades as per University rule, upon payment of a prescribed fee.
==== Point to Note ====
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