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About Us

Welcome to BCA Notes by Kundan Chaudhary, your number one source for BCA related stuff such as Notes, Syllabus, and Old Questions, and so on. We're dedicated to giving you the very best as much as we can.

BCA Notes by Kundan Chaudhary is a site created solely for educational purposes. We intend to give educational materials to the students of Pokhara University for the betterment of grades. We aim to create a digital platform for both the teachers and students to enhance their creativity and systematic knowledge. 

We are constantly working to get and supply students with information that can motivate both teachers and students to use electronic devices and internet for studying purposes. We believe in building an education system that can benefit individuals for the development of the nation as a whole.

BCA Notes by Kundan Chaudhary is an educational platform created by a group of BCA students for the learners, tutors, and everyone who wants to learn something new every day. You can get all the notes based on the syllabus of courses. We have introduced a collaborative model of note sharing which is prepared by the creative students of different colleges in shared among themselves to create a final version which is updated on a timely basis on the website.

We hope you enjoy our service as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Salient Features:

1. This website is created based on Pokhara University BCA Syllabus so it could be more beneficial to students who are from Pokhara University.

2. This website is going to provide precise notes, syllabus, some important articles, and other required information. 

3. This website can also be useful for other students who are studying Information Technology related courses other than Bachelor of Computer Application.