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Guidelines for Writing a BCA Project Report In Pokhara University

The guidelines offered here should give you a good sense of how to write formal reports in general. However, you should constantly keep in mind your specific writing environment and allow it to lead your writing. If you're unfamiliar to writing reports at your college, for example, see if your college has a set of report-writing rules and review early reports.

Guidelines for Writing a Project Report

The document “Guidelines for Writing a Project Report” provides important information about report writing for BCA Students who are studying at Pokhara University.


  1. How to write a project proposal, mid-term progress report, and final project report?
  2. What should be included in these reports?
  3. What should be the formatting of reports?
  4. How to write the citation and reference with examples?
  5. Sample of Project proposal and final report cover page.
  6. Sample of Students Declaration.
  7. Sample of Supervisor’s Recommendation.
  8. Sample of Letter of Approval.

==== Point to Note ====

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