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Unit III: Multiplexing and Switching | BCA 6th Semester Data Communication and Computer Network Notes Pdf

Multiplexing is the set of techniques that allows the simultaneous transmission of multiple signals across a single data link. For example, one cable can carry a hundred channels of TV.

Switching is a technique which is used in a large network; it means those networks that contain a large number of node, wire, device etc. In larger networks, it is difficult to connect nodes point to point. So in this situation, we use Switching Technique.

Multiplexing and Switching - Data Communication and Computer Network

In this “Multiplexing and Switching - Data Communication and Computer Network” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Multiplexing
  2. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
  3. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
  4. Types of Time Division Multiplexing
  5. Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
  6. Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing
  7. Modem, Modulation and its Types
  8. Need for Modulation
  9. Types of Modulation
  10. Analog Modulation
  11. Digital Modulation
  12. Basic Terminologies
  13. Switching and Its Types
  14. Circuit Switching
  15. Packet Switching
  16. Message Switching

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 6th Semester Data Communication And Computer Network Notes Pdf:

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