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Unit III: Java for Server Side Programming | BCA 6th Semester Web Technologies II Notes Pdf

Java Servlets are programs that run on a Web or Application server and act as a middle layer between a request coming from a Web browser or other HTTP client and databases or applications on the HTTP server.

Java for Server Side Programming - Web Technologies II

In this “Java for Server Side Programming - Web Technologies II” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Java Servlets
  2. Advantages of a Java Servlet
  3. Servlets Architecture
  4. Servlets Life Cycle
  5. Architecture Diagram
  6. The Servlet Container
  7. Services Provided By the Servlet Container
  8. What is CGI (Common Gateway Interface)?
  9. Difference between Servlet and CGI
  10. Servlets API’s
  11. Parameter Data
  12. Difference between GET and POST
  13. Managing Session in Servlets
  14. Cookies
  15. URL Rewriting
  16. HttpSession
  17. Hidden Form Field
  18. Data Storage
  19. JSP (Java Server Page)
  20. Advantages of JSP
  21. The Architecture of JSP
  22. JSP Processing
  23. JSP Life Cycle
  24. Elements of JSP
  25. Database Access
  26. Database Programming using JDBC
  27. Steps for Connectivity between Java Program and Database
  28. Performing Database Operations in Java
  29. Studying Javax.sql.* Package
  30. Accessing a Database from a JSP Page
  31. Example of Database Program Using JSP

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BCA 6th Semester Web Technologies II Notes Pdf:

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