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Unit IV: Software Qualities and Software Quality Assurance | BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf

The term software quality describes to what extent is the software good rather best to be implemented for the purpose it has been proposed and developed. It is very important to maintain the software quality because every individual or every company are always willing to use the best system.

Software Qualities and Software Quality Assurance - Software Engineering

In this “Software Qualities and Software Quality Assurance - Software Engineering” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Software Qualities
  2. Software Quality Factors
  3. Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
  4. Software Quality Assurance Activities
  5. Software Quality Standards
  6. What Are The Basis For Standards?
  7. Importance of Standards
  8. Some Organizations with Their Standards
  9. ISO Software Testing Standards
  10. IEEE - Software Testing Standards
  11. CMM (Capability Maturity Model) Software Testing Standard
  12. Capability Maturity Model Five Maturity Levels
  13. SEI Software Testing Standard
  14. ANSI Software Testing Standard
  15. Software Review
  16. Objectives of Software Review
  17. Process of Software Review
  18. Types of Software Review
  19. Cost Impact of Software Defects
  20. Defect Amplification and Removal
  21. Formal Technical Review (FTR)
  22. Review Meeting
  23. Review Reporting and Record-Keeping
  24. Review Guidelines
  25. Review Checklist
  26. Formal Approaches to SQA
  27. Proof of Correctness
  28. Statistical Software Quality Assurance
  29. Clean Room Engineering

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BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf:

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