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Unit II: Software Specification | BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf

A Software Specification or Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a detailed description of a software system to be developed with its functional and non-functional requirements. It is highly recommended to review or test SRS documents before start writing test cases and making any plan for testing.

Software Specification - Software Engineering

In this “Software Specification - Software Engineering” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Introduction of Software Specification
  2. Various Purposes Served By SRS
  3. Usage of Software Specification
  4. A Statement of the User Requirements or Needs
  5. A Statement of the Interface between the Machine and the Control Environment
  6. A Statement of the Requirement for the Implementation
  7. A Reference Point during Product Maintenance
  8. A Legal Contract
  9. Software Specification Qualities
  10. Classification of Software Specification Styles
  11. Verification and Validation of Software Specification
  12. Difference between Verification and Validation
  13. Types of Software Specification
  14. Data Flow Diagram
  15. UML Diagram
  16. Class Diagram
  17. Component Diagram
  18. Deployment Diagram
  19. Object Diagram
  20. Package Diagram
  21. Profile Diagram
  22. Composite Structure Diagram
  23. Use Case Diagram
  24. Activity Diagram
  25. State Machine Diagram
  26. Sequence Diagram
  27. Communication Diagram
  28. Interaction Overview Diagram
  29. Timing Diagram
  30. Finite State Machine

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 5th Semester Software Engineering Notes Pdf:

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