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Unit III: Android Classes and Basics | BCA 8th Semester Mobile Application Development Technology (Android) Notes Pdf

Android is a software package and operating system for mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones that is based on Linux. It was created by Google and then adopted by the OHA (Open Handset Alliance). Although other languages can be utilized, the Java language is most commonly used to build Android programming.

Android apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages. The Android SDK tools compile our code along with any data and resource files into an APK, an Android package, which is an archive file with an .apk suffix. The Android project's purpose is to build a successful real-world product that enhances end consumers' mobile experiences. Android has numerous different code names, such as Lollipop, KitKat, Jelly Bean, Ice Cream Sandwich, Froyo, Éclair, Donut, and so on.

Hundreds of millions of mobile devices in over 190 countries run on Android. It has the largest installed base of any mobile platform, and it continues to develop rapidly. Every day, over a million new Android smartphones are active throughout the world.

Android Classes and Basics - Mobile Application Development Technology

In this “Android Classes and Basics - Mobile Application Development Technology” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Android Fundamentals
  2. Creating an Android App
  3. Android Manifests File
  4. The function of Manifests File
  5. Explanation of Manifests Tags
  6. The Activity Class
  7. States of an Activity Class
  8. Activity Class Life Cycle
  9. Extending the Activity Class
  10. Creating Default Activity Class
  11. Creating Splash and Login Activities
  12. The Intent Class
  13. Types of Android Intents
  14. Creating Intent
  15. Switching between Activities using Intent
  16. Permissions
  17. The Fragment Class and Its Usage
  18. Creation of the Fragment
  19. Fragment Life Cycle
  20. Difference between Activity and Fragment

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 8th Semester Mobile Application Development Technology (Android) Notes Pdf:

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