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Unit VII: Packaging and Monetizing | BCA 8th Semester Mobile Application Development Technology (Android) Notes Pdf

AdMob helps us monetize our mobile app through in-app advertising. Ads can be displayed as banner, interstitial, video, or native ads which are seamlessly added to platform native UI components.

Packaging and Monetizing - Mobile Application Development Technology

In this “Packaging and Monetizing - Mobile Application Development Technology” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Data Management
  2. Shared Preferences
  3. Internal Storage
  4. External Storage
  5. SQLite Database
  6. How to Create a Database?
  7. Content Provider Class
  8. Accessing a Provider
  9. Requesting Read Access Permission
  10. Service Class
  11. Application Building Block
  12. Android Application Anatomy
  13. What is a Service?
  14. Service Example
  15. Google Mobile Ads SDK
  16. How does Google Mobile Ads SDK work?
  17. Signing and Exporting an APP
  18. Certificates and Keystores
  19. Signing in Debug Build
  20. Expiry of the Debug Certificate
  21. Manage Our Own Key and Keystore
  22. Sign an APK
  23. Generate a Key and Keystore
  24. Exporting an APP
  25. Publishing an App to the Play Store

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BCA 8th Semester Mobile Application Development Technology (Android) Notes Pdf:

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