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Unit X: Case Study Issues | BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf

Generally, a case study can highlight nearly any individual, group, organization, event, belief system, or action. A case study does not necessarily have to be one observation (N=1), but may include many observations (one or multiple individuals and entities across multiple time periods, all within the same case study).

Case Study Issues – Operating System

In this “Case Study Issues – Operating System” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. DOS (Disk Operating System)
  2. Advantages of MS-DOS
  3. Disadvantages of MS-DOS
  4. Types of DOS Commands
  5. Some Terms used in DOS
  6. Examples of DOS Commands
  7. Windows Operating System
  8. Editions of Windows Operating System
  9. Features of Windows Operating System
  10. Advantages of Windows Operating System
  11. Disadvantages of Windows Operating System
  12. UNIX Operating System
  13. UNIX Architecture
  14. Advantages of UNIX Operating System
  15. Disadvantages of UNIX Operating System
  16. Linux Operating System
  17. Structure of Linux Operating System
  18. Advantages of Linux Operating System
  19. Disadvantages of Linux Operating System
  20. Difference between Linux and Windows OS
  21. Difference between LINUX and UNIX OS

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 4th Semester Operating System Notes Pdf:

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