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Unit I: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming | BCA 3rd Semester C++ Programming Notes Pdf

OOP is a programming style that understands life as a collection of objects that work together to solve a specific problem. The most important aspect of OOP is encapsulation, which is the concept that each object that holds the program is self-sustaining, meaning that all of the components that make up the object are contained within it.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – C++ Programming

In this “Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming – C++ Programming” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Procedural Language
  2. Key Features of Procedural Programming
  3. Advantages of Procedure Language
  4. Disadvantages of Procedural Language
  5. Introduction to (OOP) Object-Oriented Programming
  6. Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming
  7. Disadvantages of Object-Oriented Programming
  8. Differentiate Between Procedural Oriented Programming and Object-Oriented Programming
  9. Object-Oriented Approach
  10. Features of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  11. Object, Class, Inheritance, Reusability, Polymorphism, Data Abstraction and Encapsulation, Dynamic Binding, Message Communication (Passing)
  12. Application of OOPs

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BCA 3rd Semester C++ Programming Notes Pdf:

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