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Unit I: Fundamental Integrals | BCA 2nd Semester Mathematics II Notes Pdf

The anti-derivatives of a function can be found using integral calculus. These anti-derivatives are also known as the function's integrals. Integration is the process of determining a function's anti-derivative. Finding integrals is the inverse process of finding derivatives. A family of curves is represented by the integral of a function. The foundational calculus entails finding both derivatives and integrals.

The area of a region under a curve is represented using an integral. By drawing rectangles, we may approximate the value of an integral. The size of the region encompassed by the graph of the given function between two points on a line can be expressed as the definite integral of a function. The area of a territory is calculated by dividing it into narrow vertical rectangles and summarizing the lowest and upper bounds. Over the interval over which the integral is specified, we define an integral of a function.

Fundamental Integrals - Mathematics II

In this “Fundamental Integrals - Mathematics II” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Integration
  2. Indefinite integrals
  3. Techniques of Integration
  4. Integration by substitution
  5. Integration by parts
  6. Integration by partial fractions
  7. Definite Integrals
  8. Improper integrals
  9. Beta & Gamma function
  10. Double integral (Concept only)

==== Point to Note ====

This article Fundamental Integrals - Mathematics II is contributed by Namrata Chaudhary, a student of Lumbini Engineering College (LEC).

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BCA 2nd Semester Mathematics II Notes Pdf:

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