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Unit VI: Taylor Series | BCA 2nd Semester Mathematics II Notes Pdf

The Taylor series is a means of writing a function as an infinite sum of terms formed from a single point's derivatives. Individual terms, known as Taylor polynomials, make up a Taylor series. As the number of polynomials is increases, the summation of Taylor polynomials will approximate a function with more precision. A Taylor series is called a Maclaurin series if the point at which derivatives are calculated is zero.

The Taylor Series is a manner of representing a function as a sum of its derivatives, named after famous mathematician Brook Taylor (plus some other things called weighted coefficients). Taylor series are crucial in calculus and are useful in a variety of math, engineering, and physics applications.

The fundamental concept is that every function may be formed by stringing together a number of different functions. A power series is created when the other functions we're putting together are powers of themselves. The crucial component is the weighted coefficients, and figuring out what they should be is how the Taylor series was discovered.

Taylor Series - Mathematics II

In this “Taylor Series - Mathematics II” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Taylor Series
  2. Geometric series
  3. Convergence of the geometric series
  4. Taylor series
  5. Taylor series of a function of one or two variables

==== Point to Note ====

This article Taylor Series - Mathematics II - Mathematics II is contributed by Namrata Chaudhary, a student of Lumbini Engineering College (LEC).

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BCA 2nd Semester Mathematics II Notes Pdf:

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