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Unit X: Setting up DNS Servers | BCA 7th Semester Linux Operating System Notes Pdf

The Domain Name System (DNS) is essentially a distributed database that translates hostnames into IP addresses (and IP addresses back to hostnames). That database also contains information related to each domain, such as how the domain is organized into zones, where to route mail for that domain, and who to contact with questions associated with the domain.

Setting Up DNS Servers - Linux

In this “Setting up DNS Servers - Linux” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Introduction to DNS
  2. Understanding DNS
  3. Primary (Master) Name Server
  4. Secondary (Slave) Name Server
  5. Caching Name Server
  6. Forwarding Name Server
  7. Understanding Authoritative Zones
  8. Understanding BIND
  9. Basic Components of BIND
  10. DNS Name Server Example
  11. Quick-starting a DNS server
  12. Identifying DNS Servers
  13. Setting Up The Zone Files
  14. Starting The Named (DNS) Daemon
  15. Checking/Querying That DNS Is Working
  16. Getting More Information About BIND

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BCA 7th Semester Linux Operating System Notes Pdf:

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