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Unit VI: Factor Pricing | BCA 6th Semester Applied Economics Notes Pdf

Factors of production can be defined as inputs used for producing goods or services with the aim to make an economic profit.

In economics, there are four main factors of production, namely land, labor, capital, and enterprise. The price that an entrepreneur pays for availing the services of these factors is called factor pricing.

Factor Pricing - Applied Economics

In this “Factor Pricing - Applied Economics” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Introduction to Factor Pricing
  2. Concept of Factor Pricing
  3. Aspects Of Factor Of Production
  4. Theories of Factor Pricing
  5. Modern Theory of Factor Pricing (Demand and Supply Theory)
  6. Demand for a Factor of Production
  7. Supply of a Factor of Production
  8. Determination of Market Price of a Factor
  9. Criticism of Demand and Supply Theory

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 6th Semester Applied Economics Notes Pdf:

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