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Unit I: Introduction of Economics | BCA 6th Semester Applied Economics Notes Pdf

Microeconomics may be defined as the branch of economic analysis which studies the economic behavior of an individual economic unit may be a person, a particular households, a particular firm and an industry.

Macroeconomics is derived from the Greek word “Makros”, which means “big”. Hence, macroeconomics studies, not individual units but all the units combined together or the economy as a whole.

Introduction of Economics - Applied Economics

In this “Introduction of Economics - Applied Economics” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Microeconomics
  2. Types of Microeconomics
  3. Macroeconomics
  4. Types of Macroeconomics
  5. Interdependencies between Microeconomics and Macro-economics
  6. Difference between Micro-economics and Macro-economics
  7. Economic Inequality
  8. Types of Economic Inequality
  9. Measurement of Inequality
  10. Commonly Used Measures of Economic Inequality
  11. Equilibrium
  12. Types of Equilibrium
  13. Stock and Flow Ratio Variables

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 6th Semester Applied Economics Notes Pdf:

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