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Unit VII: Query Processing | BCA 4th Semester Database Management System (DBMS) Notes Pdf

Query processing is a set of activities that involve in getting the result of a query expressed in a high-level language. These activities include parsing the queries and translate them into expressions that can be implemented at the physical level of the file system then optimizing the query of internal form to get suitable execution strategies for processing and then doing the actual execution of queries to get the results.

Query Processing – Database Management System

In this “Query Processing – Database Management System” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Query in Database
  2. Methods for Creating Queries
  3. Selecting Parameters from a Menu, Query by Example (QBE)
  4. Power of Queries
  5. Query Language
  6. Query Processing
  7. Steps of Query Processing
  8. Parsing and Translation, Optimization, Evaluation
  9. Equivalence of Expression
  10. Equivalence Rules
  11. Query Cost Estimation
  12. Query Optimization
  13. Relational Algebraic Query Tree
  14. Steps for Query Optimization through Query Tree
  15. Example of Optimized Query Tree

==== Point to Note ====

This article Query Processing – Database Management System is contributed by Rashita Gurung, a student of LA GRANDEE International College.

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BCA 4th Semester Database Management System (DBMS) Notes Pdf:

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