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Unit VI: Database Security | BCA 4th Semester Database Management System (DBMS) Notes Pdf

Database security refers to the range of tools, controls, and measures designed to establish and preserve database confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Security – Database Management System

In this “Security – Database Management System” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction of Database Security
  2. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
  3. Needs of Database Security
  4. Data Security Risks, Data Tampering, Data Theft, Falsifying User Identities, Password-Related Threats, Unauthorized Access to Tables and Columns, Unauthorized Access to Data Rows, Lack of Accountability, Complex User Management Requirements
  5. Control Methods of Database Security
  6. Authentication, Authorization, Access Control, Inference Control, Flow Control, Database Security applying Statistical Method, Encryption
  7. View
  8. Creating Views
  9. Using Views as Security Mechanisms
  10. Cryptography
  11. Types of Keys
  12. Symmetric Key, Asymmetric Key, Public Key, Private Key, Pre-Shared Key
  13. Why use Encryption and Decryption?
  14. Difference between Encryption and Decryption

==== Point to Note ====

This article Security – Database Management System is contributed by Rashita Gurung, a student of LA GRANDEE International College.

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BCA 4th Semester Database Management System (DBMS) Notes Pdf:

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