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Unit XI: System Design Methods | BCA 3rd Semester System Analysis and Design Notes Pdf

System Design is defined as those tasks that focus on the specification of a detailed computer-based solution. It is also known as physical design. System design methods focus on technical or implementation concerns of the system. System designers play a vital role. System Analyst helps as a facilitator in system design.

System Design Methods – System Analysis and Design

In this “System Design Methods – System Analysis and Design” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to System Design
  2. What are Systems Design?
  3. Inputs to System Design
  4. Outputs for System Design
  5. Types of System Design
  6. Logical Design, Physical Design, Architectural Design, Detailed Design
  7. Systems Design Approaches
  8. Model Driven Approaches
  9. Modern Structured Design, Information Engineering, Prototyping, Object-Oriented Design
  10. Rapid Application Development
  11. FAST System Design Strategies
  12. System Design for In-House Development – The “Build” Solution
  13. Design the Application Architecture, Design the System Database, Design the system Interface, Package Design Specifications, Update The Project Plan
  14. System Design for Integrating Commercial Software – The “Buy” Solution
  15. Research Technical Criteria and Options, Solicit Proposals Or Quotes From Vendors, Validate Vendor Claims And Performance, Evaluate And Rank Vendor Proposals, Award Contract And Debrief Vendors

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BCA 3rd Semester System Analysis and Design Notes Pdf:

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