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Unit VII: Modeling System Requirements with Use Cases | BCA 3rd Semester System Analysis and Design Notes Pdf

In order to successfully plan, analyze, design, construct and implement an information system, the system analyst should understand the needs of the users and the owners and also need to understand the reasons why the system is being developed. This approach is also referred to as user-centered development.

Modeling System Requirements with Use Cases - System Analysis and Design

In this “Modeling System Requirements with Use Cases - System Analysis and Design” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. An Introduction to Use-Case Modeling
  2. System Concepts for Use-Case Modeling
  3. Use Case Diagram, Use-Case Narrative
  4. Components of Use Case Modeling
  5. Use Cases
  6. Actors
  7. Types of Actors
  8. Primary Business Actor, Primary System Actor, External Server Actor, External Receiver Actor
  9. Relationships
  10. Associations, Extends, Uses, Depends on, Inheritance
  11. The Process of Requirements Use-Case Modeling
  12. Identify the Business Actors
  13. Identify Business Requirements Use Cases
  14. Construct Use Case Model Diagram
  15. Document Business Requirements Use Case Narratives
  16. Use-Cases and Project Management
  17. Ranking and Evaluating Use Cases
  18. Identify Use Case Dependencies

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BCA 3rd Semester System Analysis and Design Notes Pdf:

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