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Unit II: Basic Computer Architecture | BCA 3rd Semester Microprocessors Notes Pdf

The Simple-As-Possible (SAP)-1 computer is a very basic model of a microprocessor explained by Albert Paul Malvino. The SAP-1 design contains the basic necessities for a functional Microprocessor, step by step. Its primary purpose is to develop a basic understanding of how a microprocessor works, interacts with memory and other parts of the system like input and output.

Basic Computer Architecture – Microprocessors

In this “Basic Computer Architecture – Microprocessors” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. SAP-1(Simple as Possible-1) Architecture
  2. Features of SAP -1 Architecture
  3. Program Counter, Input and MAR, RAM, Instruction Register, Controller-Sequencer, Accumulator, Adder – Subtractor, B Register, Output Register, Output Port/Binary Display
  4. SAP-1 Instruction Set
  6. SAP-1 Instruction Cycle
  7. Fetch Cycle
  8. Execution Cycle
  9. Execution Cycle (LDA Instruction), Execution Cycle (ADD and SUB Instruction), Execution Cycle (OUT Instruction), Execution Cycle (HLT Instruction)
  10. Timing Diagrams
  11. Sap - 1 Micro program
  12. Microinstructions, Macro-instruction, Microprogramming, Storing the Micro-Program, Address ROM, Control Matrix, Presettable Counter, Control ROM
  13. Controller Implementation

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 3rd Semester Microprocessors Notes Pdf:

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