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Unit VIII: Input and Output Interfaces | BCA 3rd Semester Microprocessors Notes Pdf

To transport data between memory and I/O devices, the computer system's CPU interfaces with them. However, the CPU communicates with memory and I/O devices in distinct ways. Either directly or through the Cache memory, the CPU can connect with the memory. The communication between the CPU and the I/O devices, on the other hand, is normally accomplished through the use of an interface.

Input and Output Interfaces - Microprocessors

In this “Input and Output Interfaces - Microprocessors” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Internal Communication
  2. Processor to Memory Communication
  3. The Processor Perform the Following Steps to Read the Data, the Processor Perform the Following Steps for Writing the Data
  4. Processor to I/O Devices Communication
  5. Some Steps Are Performed While Transferring Data from I/O Devices, Some Steps Are Performed While Transferring Data to Output Devices
  6. Mode of Communications
  7. Simplex, Half Duplex, Full Duplex
  8. Communication Method
  9. Parallel Communication
  10. Serial Communication
  11. Asynchronous Transfer, Synchronous Transfer
  12. Differentiate Between Asynchronous and Synchronous
  13. RS – 232C
  14. Limitations, Specifications
  15. IEEE 488 - 1978 General Purpose Interface Standard
  16. Controller, Listener, Talker, Features, Capabilities, Pin Diagram
  17. Parallel Interfacing
  18. Memory Mapped Input/output, Input/output Mapped Input/output
  19. Comparison between Memory Mapped Input/output And Input/output mapped Input/output

==== Point to Note ====

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BCA 3rd Semester Microprocessors Notes Pdf:

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