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Unit V: Hashing | BCA 3rd Semester Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) Notes Pdf

Hashing is the process of mapping a large amount of data items to a smaller table with the help of hashing function. Hashing is also known as Hashing Algorithm or Message Digest Function. It is a technique to convert a range of key values into a range of indexes of an array.

Hashing – Data Structure and Algorithms

In this “Hashing – Data Structure and Algorithms” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. General Ideas about Hashing
  2. Hashing, Hash Table, Hash Function
  3. Basic Operations in Hashing
  4. DataItem, Hash Method, Search Operation, Insert Operation, Delete Operation
  5. Hash Collision
  6. Techniques for Hash Collision Resolution
  7. Separate Chaining (Open Hashing)
  8. Open Addressing Or Closed Hashing
  9. Linear Probing, Implementation of Hash Table with Linear Probing
  10. Quadratic Probing, Implementation Of Hash Table With Quadratic Probing
  11. Double Hashing, Implementation of Hash Table with Double Hashing
  12. Good Hash Functions
  13. Division Method, Multiplication Method, Universal Hashing
  14. Implementing Hash Table in C
  15. Rehashing
  16. Why Rehashing is done?
  17. How Rehashing is done?
  18. What is the Load factor in HashMap?
  19. Extendible Hashing
  20. Frequently used terms in Extendible Hashing
  21. Working of Extendible Hashing
  22. Example based on Extendible Hashing

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BCA 3rd Semester Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA) Notes Pdf:

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