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Unit I: Programming Languages | BCA 1st Semester Programming Logic and Techniques (PLT) Notes Pdf

To perform any action on the data given by the user, a computer requires instructions. A program is a set of instructions provided to a computer to do certain activities. The program specifies the actions that a computer should take. A program instructs a computer on how to process and execute data.

A computer program is a collection of instructions and processes that may be used to carry out specified activities on a computer system. A program instructs a computer to carry out a certain processing function or set of operations. A computer program is a collection of instructions written in code that tells a computer how to do a set of computations or actions. The computer receives these instructions through a magnetic disk, a keyboard, or another source.

Programming Languages – Programming Logic and Techniques

In this “Programming Languages – Programming Logic and Techniques” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Program
  2. Characteristics of Good Software or Program
  3. Difference between Program and Software
  4. Introduction to Programming Language
  5. Syntax (Form or Grammar), Semantics (Meaning or Logic)
  6. Characteristics of Good Programming Languages
  7. The analogy with Natural Language
  8. Difference between Natural Language and Computer Language
  9. Types of Programming Languages
  10. Low-Level Programming Language
  11. Machine Level Language (MLL), Assembly Level Language (ALL)
  12. Advantages of Assembly Level Programming Languages over Machine Level Programming Languages
  13. High-Level Programming Languages
  14. Difference between High-Level Programming Language and Low-Level Programming Language
  15. Programming Language Translator
  16. Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter
  17. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter
  18. Linker
  19. Basic Linker Operation, Types of Linker
  20. Loader
  21. Functions of Loader, Types of Loader
  22. Generation of Computer Languages
  23. First Generation Programming Languages (1GL), Second Generation Programming Languages (2GL), Third Generation Programming Language (3GL), Fourth Generation Programming Language (4GL), Fifth Generation Programming Language
  24. Difference between 3rd Generation Language and 4th Generation Language
  25. Machine (Platform) Independent and Portability of Programs
  26. Some Important Types of High-Level Programming Languages

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BCA 1st Semester Programming Logic and Techniques Notes Pdf:

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