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Unit V: 3D Graphics | BCA 4th Semester Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology Notes Pdf

One of the main challenges in computer graphics is creating realistic simulations of surfaces. In technical applications of 3D computer graphics (CAx) such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, surfaces are one way of representing objects.

3D Graphics – Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology

In this “3D Graphics – Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Non Planar Surfaces in Computer Graphics
  2. Types of Curves
  3. Implicit Curves, Explicit Curves, Parametric Curves
  4. Bezier Curves
  5. Properties of Bezier Curves
  6. Applications of Bezier Curves
  7. Practice Problems Based On Bezier Curve
  8. Cubic Bezier Curve
  9. Bezier Surface
  10. B-Spline Curves
  11. Properties of B-spline Curve
  12. Methods of Generating Non-Planar Surfaces
  13. Polygon Surfaces, Polygon Tables, Plane Equations, Polygon Meshes
  14. 3D Geometric Transformations
  15. Translation, Rotation, Scaling
  16. 3D Object To Screen Viewing
  17. Extension of Two Dimensional Display Methods
  18. Projection
  19. Types of Projection
  20. Parallel Projection
  21. Orthographic Projection, Oblique Projection
  22. Perspective Projection
  23. Visible Surface Detection Methods
  24. Back-Face Detection, Depth Buffer (Z-Buffer), Scan-Line

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BCA 4th Semester Computer Graphics and Multimedia Technology Notes Pdf:

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