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Unit I: Introduction to Programming Language in C | BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Notes Pdf

C stands in between HLL and LLL. Hence, C language is often called Middle-Level Language (MLL). It has relatively good programming efficiency, faster development and user-friendly like HLL and relatively better machine efficiency, faster program execution, and low processor overload like LLL. Because of having features of both, it is capable of developing a strong program, most destructive viruses, and even almost all parts of operating system like record UNIX in 1973 and Linux in 1991.

Introduction to Programming Language in C – C Programming

In this “Introduction to Programming Language in C – C Programming” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Flowchart
  2. Symbols used in Flowcharts, Advantages of flowcharts, Disadvantages of flowchart
  3. Algorithms
  4. Features of a Good Algorithm, Advantages of Algorithms, Disadvantages of Algorithms
  5. History of C Programming Language
  6. Introduction of C Programming
  7. Features of C Programming
  8. Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language
  9. How C Programming Language Works?
  10. Basic Elements of C Programming
  11. Character Set, Keywords/Reserve Words, Identifiers, Tokens
  12. Structure of C Program
  13. Documentation Section, Link Section, Definition Section, Global Declaration Section, Main ( ) Function, Subprogram Section

==== Point to Note ====

This article Introduction to Programming Language in C – C Programming is contributed by Pawan Tiwari, a student of LA GRANDEE International College (LGIC).

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BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Language Notes Pdf:

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