In a real-world application, we need to group different types of logically related data. For example: If we want to create a record of students that consists of name, roll no, and marks. Then to store such records we use structure. The structure is a collection of heterogeneous data types which are grouped together under a single name. A structure can contain any valid data types like int, char, float, or even arrays and other structures. Each variable in structure is called structure member. To define a structure, we use the 'struct' keyword.
In this “Structure and Unions – C Programming” you will learn about the following topics:
- Definition of Structure
- Structure Initialization
- Processing Structure and Accessing Member of Structure
- Tag Name
- Array of Structure
- Structure Within Another Structure/Nested Structure
- Pointer to Structure
- Passing Structure Members to Function
- Passing Whole Structure to Function
- Passing Structure Pointer to Function
- Passing Array of Structure to Function
- Linked List
- Applications of Linked List in Computer Science
- Applications of Linked List in Real World
- Applications of Circular Linked Lists
- Introduction to Union
- Difference between Structure and Union
==== Point to Note ====
This article Structure and Unions – C Programming is contributed by Pawan Tiwari, a student of LA GRANDEE International College (LGIC).
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