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Unit VIII: File Handling (File Input/output) | BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Notes Pdf

The input-output function, like printf() scanf(), getchar(), putchar(), gets(), puts() are known as console oriented I/O functions, which always use keyboard for input device. While using these library functions, the entire data is lost when either the program is terminated or the computer is turned off. At the same time, it is cumbersome and time-consuming to handle a large volume of data through the keyboard. It takes a lot of time to enter the entire data. If the user makes a mistake while entering the data, he/she has to start from the beginning again.

File Handling (File Input/output) – C Programming

In this “File Handling (File Input/output) – C Programming” you will learn about the following topics:

  1. Data Files
  2. Stream Oriented
  3. Text Files, Binary Files
  4. System Oriented
  5. File Pointer in C
  6. Opening and Closing a Data File
  7. File Opening Mode
  8. Write (“w”), Append (“a”), Read (“r”), Write and Read (“w+”), Read and Write (“r+”), Append and Read (“a+”)
  9. Library Functions for Reading or Writing From or to a File
  10. Unformatted Input/output Functions
  11. Character Input/Output Functions
  12. String Input/Output Functions
  13. Formatted Input/Output Functions
  14. End of File (EOF)
  15. Predefined File Pointer
  16. Record Input/output Files
  17. Record Input/output in Binary Mode
  18. Random Access to File
  19. fseek(),rewind(), ftell()

==== Point to Note ====

This article File Handling (File Input/output) – C Programming is contributed by Naresh Prasad Das, a student of Tribhuvan University.

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BCA 2nd Semester C Programming Language Notes Pdf:

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