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Unit III: Central Processing Unit (CPU) | BCA 5th Semester Computer Architecture Notes Pdf

The central processing unit (CPU) or processor, is the unit which performs most of the processing inside a computer. It processes all instructions received by software running on the PC and by other hardware components, and acts as a powerful calculator.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) - Computer Architecture

In this “Central Processing Unit (CPU) - Computer Architecture” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Computer Organization/Structure
  2. Detailed View of CPU
  3. Register Organization
  4. User/Programmable
  5. Status and Control Registers
  6. Data Paths
  7. Functional Blocks of a Data path
  8. Instruction Cycle
  9. Instruction Cycle State Diagram (Detail)
  10. Arithmetic and Logical Unit
  11. Design Principles for Modern System

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BCA 5th Semester Computer Architecture Notes Pdf:

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