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Unit VI: Memory Organization | BCA 5th Semester Computer Architecture Notes Pdf

The total memory capacity of a computer can be visualized by hierarchy of components. The memory hierarchy system consists of all storage devices contained in a computer system from the slow Auxiliary Memory to fast Main Memory and to smaller Cache memory.

Memory Organization - Computer Architecture

In this “Memory Organization - Computer Architecture” you will learn about following topics:

  1. Memory Hierarchy
  2. Semiconductor Main Memory
  3. RAM (Random Access Memory)
  4. ROM (Read-Only Memory)
  5. Differentiate between RAM and ROM
  6. Characteristics of Memory System
  7. Auxiliary Memory
  8. Magnetic Disk
  9. Magnetic Tape
  10. Optical Disk
  11. Flash Drives
  12. Review of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
  13. Associative Memory
  14. Hardware Organization
  15. Address Matching Logic
  16. Read/Write Operations
  17. Types of Associative Memory
  18. Cache Memory
  19. Cache Initialization
  20. Mapping Cache Memory
  21. Direct Mapping
  22. Associative Mapping
  23. Block Set Associative Mapping
  24. Write Policy
  25. Replacement Algorithms

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BCA 5th Semester Computer Architecture Notes Pdf:

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